Stumper Videos

Matt: Fearless, calculated risk-taker.

When you have wood chips shooting like tiny missiles at your face (and very expensive video and camera equipment) it takes a certain amount of gumption to stay still and sacrifice for "the shot." But oh, what a shot it is! Watching a Stumper Stump Grinder methodically churn its way through a tree stump is mesmorizing. Don't believe us? Try to watch just one of the videos below.


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Capitalize on your Videos

You've got a great video... now what? Put it to work on your website! Our experienced team of website user experience and designers will determine which page (and where on the page) to place your videos for maximum impact. Whether you need a few quick website updates, fresh photos, strong headlines, or a complete overhaul with a revamped design, the MONTE team is up to the task!

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