Michigan Tech Annual Fund Video

monte michigan tech annual fund video Emi interview

Scholarships are a big part of the success stories of many Michigan Tech students.

The Michigan Tech Annual Fund group came to MONTE with a script concept, but Matt was able to convince them to add a student story to the video. We connected with Emi Colman in our studio office to talk through the impact scholarships have had on her education—allowing her to put a focus on her studies and on her involvement in the Aerospace Enterprise. 

Watch the Michigan Tech Annual Fund video below:

monte Michigan tech annual fund video onsite filming MI
monte michigan tech annual fund video onsite filming MI
monte michigan tech annual fund video onsite filming MI

Onsite Video Filming

Matt and Kaisa filmed Emi on campus in the lab working on the satellite that will be launched into space next year. They paired that footage with other campus, facilities, and faculty interactions to solidify the impact a donation has on the student experience at Michigan Tech. 

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